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Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bumblebees and ho... Aster alpinus 'Violet' - P11 Landscape shop Aster alpinusSynonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bumblebees and ho... Aster alpinus - P9 Landscape shop Aster alpinus mixSynonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bumblebees and ho... Aster alpinus mix - P9 Landscape shop Aster amelloides Aster amelloides - 2 Ltr pot Landscape shop Aster amellus 'Blue King'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bumblebees and ho... Aster amellus 'Blue King' - P9 Landscape shop Aster amellus 'Dr Otto Petschek'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bumblebees and ho... Aster amellus 'Dr Otto Petschek' - P9 Landscape shop Aster amellus 'Rosa Erf?llung'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum, Aster amellus 'Pink Zenith'. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favour... Aster amellus 'Rosa Erf?llung' - P9 Landscape shop Aster amellus 'Rudolf Goethe'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Aster amellus 'Rudolf Goethe', gen. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bee... Aster amellus 'Rudolf Goethe' - P9 Aster amellus 'Rudolf Goethe' - 2 Ltr pot Landscape shop Aster amellus 'Veilchenk?nigin'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bumblebees and ho... Aster amellus 'Veilchenk?nigin' - P9 Aster amellus 'Veilchenkönigin' - 2 Ltr pot Landscape shop Aster asperulus Aster asperulus - P9 Landscape shop Aster azureusSynonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum, Aster oolentangiensis. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by... Aster azureus - P9 Landscape shop Aster divaricatus 'Beth Chatto'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum, Eurybia divaricata. Bulletpoints * fruit ornamentation * the flowers are h... Aster divaricatus 'Beth Chatto' - P9 Landscape shop Aster divaricatus 'Eastern Star'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum, Eurybia divaricata. Bulletpoints * fruit ornamentation * the flowers are h... Aster divaricatus 'Eastern Star' - P9 Landscape shop Aster divaricatusSynonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum, Eurybia divaricata. Bulletpoints * fruit ornamentation * the flowers are h... Aster divaricatus - P9 Aster divaricatus - P11 Aster divaricatus - 2 Ltr pot Landscape shop Aster dumosus 'Barbados'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum dumosum. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bumblebee... Aster dumosus 'Barbados' - P9 Aster dumosus 'Barbados' - P11 Landscape shop Aster dumosusSynonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum dumosum. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bumblebee... Aster dumosus - P9 Landscape shop Aster ericoides 'Erlk?nig'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Aster vimineus, Aster pansus, Symphyotrichum ericoides. Bulletpoints * the flowers are hea... Aster ericoides 'Erlk?nig' - P9 Landscape shop Aster ericoides 'Golden Spray'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Aster vimineus, Aster pansus, Symphyotrichum ericoides. Bulletpoints * the flowers are hea... Aster ericoides 'Golden Spray' - P9 Landscape shop Aster ericoides 'Pink Cloud'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Aster vimineus, Aster pansus, Symphyotrichum ericoides. Bulletpoints * the flowers are hea... Aster ericoides 'Pink Cloud' - P9 Landscape shop Aster ericoides 'Schneetanne'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Aster vimineus, Aster pansus, Symphyotrichum ericoides. Bulletpoints * the flowers are hea... Aster ericoides 'Schneetanne' - 2 Ltr pot Landscape shop Aster ericoides 'Vimmer's Delight'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Aster vimineus, Aster pansus, Symphyotrichum ericoides. Bulletpoints * the flowers are hea... Aster ericoides 'Vimmer's Delight' - P9 Landscape shop Aster ericoidesSynonym Synonyms (botanical): Aster vimineus, Aster pansus, Symphyotrichum ericoides. Bulletpoints * the flowers are hea... Aster ericoides - P9 Landscape shop Aster frikartii 'Flora's Delight'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bumblebees and ho... Aster frikartii 'Flora's Delight' - P9 Landscape shop Aster frikartii 'Jungfrau'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bumblebees and ho... Aster frikartii 'Jungfrau' - P9 Landscape shop Aster frikartii 'M?nch'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bumblebees and ho... Aster frikartii 'M?nch' - P9 Aster frikartii 'M?nch' - P11 Aster frikartii 'M?nch' - 1.5 Ltr pot Aster frikartii 'M?nch' - 2 Ltr pot Landscape shop Aster frikartii 'Wunder von St?fa'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bumblebees and ho... Aster frikartii 'Wunder von St?fa' - P9 Landscape shop Aster l. 'Horizontalis'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bumblebees and ho... Aster l. 'Horizontalis' - P9 Landscape shop Aster l. 'Lady in Black'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Aster lateriflorus horiz.'Lady in Black', Aster hort.'Black Lady'. Bulletpoints * the flow... Aster l. 'Lady in Black' - P9 Aster l. 'Lady in Black' - P11 Landscape shop Aster laevis 'Blauschleier'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bumblebees and ho... Aster laevis 'Blauschleier' - P9 Landscape shop Aster linosyrisSynonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bumblebees and ho... Aster linosyris - P9 Landscape shop Aster macrophyllus 'Albus'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Aster schreberi, Aster x herveyi. Bulletpoints * fragrant flowers Growth hab... Aster macrophyllus 'Albus' - P9 Landscape shop Aster macrophyllus 'Twilight'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Aster x herveyi 'Twilight'. Bulletpoints * fragrant flowers Growth habit... Aster macrophyllus 'Twilight' - P9 Landscape shop Aster macrophyllusSynonym Synonyms (botanical): Aster schreberi, Aster x herveyi. Bulletpoints * fragrant flowers Growth hab... Aster macrophyllus - P9 Landscape shop Aster n,-a. 'Grape Crush'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum novi-belgii. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bumbl... Aster n,-a. 'Grape Crush' - P9 Landscape shop Aster n. -a. 'Vibrant Dome'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum novae-angliae. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bum... Aster n. -a. 'Vibrant Dome' - P9 Landscape shop Aster n.-a. 'And. an Alma P?tschke'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bumblebees and ho... Aster n.-a. 'And. an Alma P?tschke' - P9 Landscape shop Aster n.-a. 'Marina Wolkonsky'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum novae-angliae. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bum... Aster n.-a. 'Marina Wolkonsky' - P9 Landscape shop Aster n.-a. 'Nachtauge'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bumblebees and ho... Aster n.-a. 'Nachtauge' - P9 Landscape shop Aster n.-a. 'Purple Dome'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum novae-angliae. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bum... Aster n.-a. 'Purple Dome' - 1.5 Ltr pot Aster n.-a. 'Purple Dome' - P9 Landscape shop Aster n.-b. 'Crimson Brocade'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum novi-belgii. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bumbl... Aster n.-b. 'Crimson Brocade' - P9 Aster n.-b. 'Crimson Brocade' - P11 Aster n.-b. 'Crimson Brocade' - 2 Ltr pot Landscape shop Aster n.-b. 'Fellowship'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum novi-belgii. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bumbl... Aster n.-b. 'Fellowship' - P9 Aster n.-b. 'Fellowship' - 2 Ltr pot Landscape shop Aster n.-b. 'Marie Ballard'Synonym Synonyms (botanical): Symphyotrichum novi-belgii. Bulletpoints * the flowers are heavily favoured by bees, bumbl... Aster n.-b. 'Marie Ballard' - P9 Landscape shop Previous 1 242526272829 222 Next